Robin Robin is a musical tale, directed by its creators Dan Ojari (Slow Derek – Grand Prix: Animated Encounters) and Mikey Please (The Eagleman Stag – BAFTA: Best Animated Short, Marilyn Myller – McLaren Award: Edinburgh Film Festival), with Aardman's Sarah Cox (Tate Movie Project and BAFTA nominated Heavy Pockets) as Executive Producer and Helen Argo (Tate Movie Project, Wallace & Gromit's Musical Marvels) Producer.
When her egg fortuitously rolls into a rubbish dump, Robin is raised by a loving family of mice. As she grows up, her differences become more apparent. Robin sets off on the heist to end all heists to prove to her family that she can be a really good mouse – but ends up discovering who she really is.
to be released on Christmas 2021 - Netflix.
Robin Robin is a musical tale, directed by its creators Dan Ojari (Slow Derek – Grand Prix: Animated Encounters) and Mikey Please (The Eagleman Stag – BAFTA: Best Animated Short, Marilyn Myller – McLaren Award: Edinburgh Film Festival), with Aardman's Sarah Cox (Tate Movie Project and BAFTA nominated Heavy Pockets) as Executive Producer and Helen Argo (Tate Movie Project, Wallace & Gromit's Musical Marvels) Producer.
When her egg fortuitously rolls into a rubbish dump, Robin is raised by a loving family of mice. As she grows up, her differences become more apparent. Robin sets off on the heist to end all heists to prove to her family that she can be a really good mouse – but ends up discovering who she really is.
to be released on Christmas 2021 - Netflix.